Saturday 28 June 2014

School Experience

Currently I am a Teaching Assistant with six years experience, in foundation and year one classes, however I want to teach secondary level Computer Science. The PGCE course I am on requires that I have some classroom experience and accepts my infant school work covers this requirement. 

My future tutor advised me at my interview that I needed to acquire secondary experience. The National College of Teachers and Lecturers has a website that allows you to contact schools in order to gain such experience. I found that I was not eligible for this as Greenwich applications department do not require this of me. Thus I have sorted out my own.

I was on my daughter's school website and I noticed a section which mentioned that they train teachers, a quick email and they were only too happy to help. They organised for me to visit a double year 9 lesson, to see two year 8 project lessons and a year 10 lesson, all in the company of a current student teacher who has just gained Qualified Teacher Status. 

The day was brilliant, I came away with so much information on being a student teacher, how the lessons should work, ideas for teaching binary and protocols, behaviour strategies, and coping with making mistakes. It also made me realise just how male dominated computing is still today. 

35 years ago I studied Computer Science for GCE and in an all girls school there were just seven of us, that figure had not changed much. So it made me realised just how much of a role model I could be to children especially girls in a mixed setting. This is of vital importance when you look around you and see just how much computing has invaded our lives. Girls as well as boys interact with this technology every day, they should be just as confident with it when things need a work around or fixing as boys are. 

All in all my school experience has revitalised my enthusiasm for this route I am placing myself on. It proves that though I am older, that I still have something to offer, and gives me a way of putting back what I gained in life.  

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